
What our customers are saying about Earth Scents...

I'm loving my Earth Scents products! Perfection!!! Luxury products for real life!

Lisa - Massachusetts

I am taken by Earth Scents and that is saying a lot at 92! I am an artist and author, young at heart, and so glad to have discovered such beautiful products. The scents are subtle and earthy and refreshingly natural. Not only do these products fulfill their primary purpose, but they are amazingly versatile. Thanks to them, I continue to love what I see in the mirror!! I am gifting my skin and that of friends and family too!

Frances - Rhode Island

What our customers are saying about our facial care products...

The lip treatment has been really incredible. It has pretty much eliminated the redness and dryness. I have been using it every day, twice a day. It has made a world of difference.

Lynn - Maine

Brenda's lip balm is unlike any I have tried before. It feels healthy and smells heavenly. It's amazing. I can't start my day without it.

Sharon - Texas

Your Radiance moisturizer for the face has changed my complexion. I am totally sold on it and that's after using another product for 30 years. It is so concentrated and it lasts for a long time. I love the scent and it feels wonderful on my face all day long. Since I started using it, my skin looks naturally healthy, and people are noticing. I look younger and that makes me feel younger too. Thank you!

Emily - Maine

Radiance is a beautiful product that does what it says. It has a remarkably warm and inviting scent that dissipates on my skin and what I feel is a sensation of freshness along with nourishing, protective moisture all day.  This has been a game changer for me.  My skin is radiant now and I get a lot of compliments.  I used to have blemished skin, but thanks to your Radiance I have a clear complexion and I don’t use makeup anymore.  I love everything about this product!!

Ellen - New York

I started using your eye cream and liked it so much I used it for my whole face. Then you made Radiance and oh, how I love it!! My skin has never been this balanced or clear. Thank you for making such wonderful things.

Sarah - Maine

Compliments for Radiance.  As an athlete, I spend time at my sports year round and in all kinds of weather.  I really appreciate that this product stays on my skin to continually moisturize and protect it in a natural way from the elements.  It keeps my skin soft and smooth while I enjoy being active.  I trust my face to it and give it a perfect score!   

Connie - Maine

I love the Revitalizing Serum and use it in combination with the Radiance. My skin at 60 looks more beautiful than ever and feels silky smooth. Over the years I’ve tried more facial products than I can count and my skin was never this healthy.  When I look at myself in the mirror I glow with gratefulness. These products truly create “sublime radiance.” Many, many thanks.

Terry - Maine

I LOVE this facial serum! Intensely beautiful is how I describe it. I can feel it absorbing into my skin right away.  Such a warm, earthy scent and soothing too.  I’ve had a stubborn dry patch under my eye and another on the side of my face for a long time and thanks to the serum, they are now gone. I kid you not, it was a miracle!!! My daughter and I find the scent welcoming and inviting and like to put a dab behind our ears for a little aromatherapy.

Maureen - Massachusetts

My wife and I are using the Facial Cleansing Oil and we love it.  I like the way it leaves my skin feeling taut without being dry. I also think that my skin produces less oil because the cleansing oil does not dry it out.  My wife follows her cleansing with Calendula Oil for additional moisture.  

Will - Maine

What our customers are saying about our body care products...

Thank you so much for the calendula salve. I am absolutely in love. Where we live is high desert and dry. This is great stuff!! The smell is amazing and it just soaks right in! Customer for life!

Rebel Ann - Idaho

I bought some of your Earth Scents Calendula salve. My son has eczema. It cleared it up. Wonderful product. 

Jan - Maine

This calendula salve is amazing! I've been applying it to my face and hands at bedtime and sometimes in the morning. I appreciate how smooth and moisturizing it is. It doesn't clog my pores and its silkiness leaves my skin feeling fresh and light, not heavy and greasy like some Calendula officinalis facial creams tend to do. Thank you for using your knowledge, time and energy to make a healthy, natural, beneficial product. With much gratitude.

Memery - New Mexico

Thank you for the wonderful calendula salve. I have been trying for years to get rid of the ugly, dry, scaly skin on my elbows and nothing worked. This is doing the trick. The skin has softened and my elbows look better already.

June - Rhode Island

I found Muscle Recovery at a local shop, tried the sample to relieve severe pain in one of my fingers, and then purchased a jar. By the time I left the shop and got to my car, the pain was gone. I have rheumatoid arthritis which is often so painful that my mobility is affected in a big way. The next day I returned to the shop. I told the owner the story about my finger and how my knees are now mobile with no pain thanks to this liniment. I'm spreading the word. It's incredible!

Leo - Maine

This "wonderful soothing stuff" has been amazing. I took the skin off one of my heels with a pair of new boots and I used the Calendula salve to keep it soft and allow it to heal. This salve is really good in Winter. Wonderful!

Kathy - Maine

I use your calendula salve daily on my face. I am a climber and it really does help to protect my face from the cold and wind. I gave it to my friends and family for Christmas. Everyone remarks about my skin and really it is mostly due to your products. Thank goodness I met you, you have saved my face!

Donna - New Hampshire

The liniment is very effective for me. I was in a car accident when I was younger and had whiplash. I didn't do anything about it at the time, and now I have arthritis in my neck and shoulder. The liniment relieves the pain. Thank you!

Linda - Florida

Your products are MAGIC. I have so many skin issues and you sell magic - pure, delightful, beautiful, and healing MAGIC. Long story short, I had an allergic reaction to a sunscreen I used on my face. I tried some natural products like Aloe, etc., and nothing worked to clear up the rash. Your calendula salve had my skin almost back to normal within 24 hours.

Anne - Virginia

Following wrist surgery, I experienced recurrent pain, pulling, and stinging at the incision area. I spread your Calendula salve over the area and immediately noticed reduced pain and stinging and the scar became less prominent. It is a wonderful product that I will continue to use throughout the healing process.

Janet - New Hampshire

I am an artist who paints small items for at least three hours a day. When I don't paint, the muscles in my thumbs ache. Using Muscle Recovery twice a day takes my pain away. It was my good fortune to have been part of the Earth Scents' focus group testing this liniment. Since it has come out on the market, I also use it morning and evening on my arthritic hip. After three days, my hip was 95% better.

Elaine - Maine

Sweet Fern Heal All is my go-to body moisturizer all year long.  It works wonders on my dry skin in winter.  It relieves rough, sore skin on my hands after paddling and heals cuts and scrapes from gardening.  The Sweet Fern Mist is heavenly too.  Sweet Fern is a welcome and joyful scent that transports me to my childhood and the wonderful summer jaunts with granddad through the New England woods where he introduced me to the Sweet Fern plant.  Your products are a special find.  And their quality is outstanding.  Heartfelt thanks for offering them.

Eliza - Pennsylvania

I love this liniment. The scent is great and not too overpowering. I have been a hip hop dancer in Portland for eight years. I use this on my back and my joints and I notice that my pain goes away quite quickly.

Cora - Maine

I had a broken wrist with a lot of pain that also extended up my arm. I was working with a friend on one of his building projects at the time and was determined not to let him down. Muscle Recovery was a godsend. After using the liniment two to three times a day, for several days, I was feeling relief. It also brought relief at night when the pain was severe enough to wake me up. I don't use pharmaceuticals, so this was a great find. I especially like that it is not greasy and the scent is not overwhelming.

Bill - Maine

I have a painful degenerative disc condition of the spine. My mother, watching me in pain and knowing it was my back bothering me while we were all at the table during a recent family gathering, suggested that I try her jar of Muscle Recovery Liniment. I rubbed some into my lower back and felt relief almost immediately. I rubbed in more and before long I was sitting up straight and feeling incredibly better. As a nurse, I rarely see patient results this quickly with prescription meds. The liniment works its magic on me. It's an awesome product.

Cathleen - Maine

I had tried CBD oil for the pain in my hands, but it didn't seem to work for me. This liniment had a noticeable effect in lessening the pain.

Janet - Maine

The Sweet Fern Salve is truly a magical product from the Earth.  

Nora - Massachusetts

I am so thrilled with this product that I just had to write you.  For a long time I’ve had problematic dry, itchy skin which is often exacerbated by heightened stress in my life.  I don’t want to use chemicals on my skin. The Sweet Fern Heal All is the only thing that has given me relief.  It really is “new alchemy for the skin.”  It’s gentle, soothingly cool, and softens my skin too.  The consistency is wonderful and I really like its pleasant, fresh scent.  I use it regularly and can honestly say that I don’t miss scratching myself or experiencing inflammation anymore.  Best of all, I am now happy in my own skin!  Thank you Earth Scents, this has been a godsend! 

Christin - Maine 

What our customers are saying about our mists...

The Rose Water is beautiful.  I have been using it every day since it arrived.  It freshens my skin and feels really clean.  Such a delicious scent too, like being in a summer garden when all the roses are in bloom. I love it and my skin loves it.

Jane -  Massachusetts

As soon as I smelled the Earth Scents Vanilla mist, I knew that I would want to use it every day after I bought it, and I did. It's a very pretty and nurturing smell with just a little kick of excitement. I realized shortly after I started wearing it that it even seemed to deter bugs from biting me when I was outside gardening.

Kate - Maine

The first night I misted the sheets with Sweet Fern my partner said, "I feel as if I'm sleeping in nature!" So true. It's like breathing in the majesty of the forest and we love it.

Jess - New Hampshire

One day I introduced Brenda to the wonderful Palo Santo (which I learned all about while studying with a Shaman in Peru) and explained to her its healing properties. The next time I saw her, she had created an amazing mist with it, a formula that brings all the best properties of this holy plant. Since then I have been using the mist in all my energy/Reiki sessions, on myself and my clients. Brenda is able to connect to the essence of the plants she works with and to bring it to us through her fantastic mists and work.

Elena - New Hampshire

You can always find Earth Scents Palo Santo in my self-care toolbox. I spritz myself and surroundings whenever I need to re-center, balance, and ground. It provides a protective shield to keep me well, calm and connected!

Ryan - New Hampshire

This Palo Santo is utterly transportive!  It is a wonderful alternative to burning for anyone like myself who is afflicted with sensitivities to smoke particulate. And it is the best Palo Santo I have ever experienced.  I use it to quiet my mind before my meditation practice and to defray stress at other times, and I use it as a body mist because it is natural and gentle.


Jules - Maine

What our customers are saying about our solid natural perfumes...

OM is my scent!!  After I opened the jar, I took several long, deep inhalations.  It’s intoxicating!!  It literally stopped me in my tracks.  I felt an overwhelming sense of quietude.  Then I put it on my face.  I have suffered from itchy skin my whole life.  Almost immediately the itchiness dissolved away.  This is not only aromatically enchanting, but it is also magical for my skin!!


Amy - Maine

Journey’s scent hits me immediately.  “Smokey” is one of the first words that came to my mind when I smelled it initially, and I find it to be a very relaxing, warm, something-of-the-past scent.  It also has an earthy quality reminiscent of autumn, ferns, and dry woods.

Lewis - Maine